Labrador Retriever / Mixed (medium coat) : : Female : : Adult : : Medium
Hadley was adopted out as a young puppy but sadly 4 years later came back to the rescue by no fault of her own. She is a 33 lb Lab mix that is a sweet girl and needs a home to continue to gain her confidence. She is quick to warm up to women & was best friends with her foster mom in less than 2 hours. She loves to snuggle and is very affectionate once she trusts you. She has lived with children and did great with the little dog in the home but now with so many changes she is unsure. She is sometimes picky with her dog friends, but is doing well with her 35 lb collie foster sister, who is very docile, a meet and greet with other dogs is a must. She crates well and is potty trained. She is learning basic commands and good leash manners in her foster home. This sweet girl needs to find a family that will keep her forever, can you be that family? More about HadleyIs Not Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Obedient, Playful, Timid, Affectionate, Intelligent